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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Korean Popular beautiful actress, Lee Ji Ah's sexy and pretty pictures

Lee Ji-ah (born on February 2, 1981) is a new South Korean popular actress who debuted by appearing in The Story of the First King's Four Gods as Sujini, a lover of Damdeok, the King (Bae Yong Jun). It was a very popular MBC drama, that gained average ratings of over 30 percent. Despite being a new actress, she performed extremely well in the drama. Her acting skills were applauded and those who have worked with her in the drama say that she doesn't get nervous easily.
Lee Ji Ah was born in South Korea and in elementary school moved to the U.S. While attending a designing school, she auditioned for 'Tae Wang Sa Shin Gi' and after a competitive process of auditioning, was chosen as the character of 'Su Gi Ni' beating out many successful professional actresses such as Ha Ji Won and Kim Tae Hee.
At the 2007 MBC Drama Awards, Lee Ji Ah got lots of attention with a dress she designed herself. In addition, she received a total of three awards for 'Best New Actress', 'Popularity Award', and the 'Best Couple Award (with Bae Yong Jun)', a great accomplishment for a debuting actress.

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